Missouri is turning 200 this summer, and Lake of the Ozarks community leaders are gearing up for the Midwest’s best boating destination to host Missouri’s “Best Dam Birthday Bash.”
It makes sense: Lake of the Ozarks is where people from all walks of life come to vacation, to play, to relax, and to celebrate. Why not celebrate Missouri’s bicentennial here? Organizers have events planned throughout the summer, culminating in the week of Aug. 7 (the official birthday of the state is Aug. 10), and an especially unique boating event is set for Saturday, June 12: at attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the Largest Boat Parade.
Best Dam Birthday Bash organizer Mary Kay von Brendel says they have been approved by Guinness World Records for an official attempt. Boaters are required to pre-register, in order to count toward attendance.
Preregister here: https://bestdambirthdaybash.com/boat-parade/
For more information about the Best Dam Birthday Bash, visit BestDamBirthdayBash.com